AI’s Future Is Being Forged by the US and the UAE
Bloomberg — The Ambassador outlines how the partnership between the UAE’s G42 and Microsoft is helping explore AI’s potential while ensuring its safe use.
Bloomberg — The Ambassador outlines how the partnership between the UAE’s G42 and Microsoft is helping explore AI’s potential while ensuring its safe use.
Bloomberg — The Ambassador outlines how the partnership between the UAE’s G42 and Microsoft is helping explore AI’s potential while ensuring its safe use.
The Washington Institute – Yousef Al Otaiba joined Samer Khoury, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum and David Makovsky for the Washington Institute’s virtual Transition 2021 Policy Forum.
Wall Street Journal – In early March, the UAE announced that it had completed its project to load fuel into its new Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant. This accomplishment comes almost 10 years after the USA and UAE signed a bilateral agreement for nuclear cooperation.
CNN – Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba and Special Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver discuss how holding the 2019 Special Olympics World Games in the capital city of the United Arab Emirates shows progress in promoting inclusiveness and tolerance.
Politico Magazine – In 2019, Pope Francis became the first pope to visit the Arabian Peninsula. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba explains why the UAE invited the Pope to visit Abu Dhabi and how interfaith and intercultural cooperation can help encourage tolerance and deter extremism.
Washington Post – The United Arab Emirates is leading the way in helping to build a more peaceful and prosperous world. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba provides insights on how the UAE has established itself as a model for positive change in the region.
Washington Post – The UAE is part of a UN-mandated coalition against terrorism in Yemen. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba describes how the UAE and its partners have fought against al-Qaeda in Yemen and throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
The Washington Institute – Yousef Al Otaiba joined Samer Khoury, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum and David Makovsky for the Washington Institute’s virtual Transition 2021 Policy Forum.
Wall Street Journal – In early March, the UAE announced that it had completed its project to load fuel into its new Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant. This accomplishment comes almost
CNN – Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba and Special Olympics Chairman Timothy Shriver discuss how holding the 2019 Special Olympics World Games in the capital city of the United Arab Emirates
Politico Magazine – In 2019, Pope Francis became the first pope to visit the Arabian Peninsula. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba explains why the UAE invited the Pope to visit Abu
Washington Post – The United Arab Emirates is leading the way in helping to build a more peaceful and prosperous world. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba provides insights on how the
Washington Post – The UAE is part of a UN-mandated coalition against terrorism in Yemen. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba describes how the UAE and its partners have fought against al-Qaeda
Stay connected with His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, UAE Ambassador to the US, online through social media and official UAE Embassy channels.
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
3522 International Court NW,
Washington, DC 20008
Phone: 1 (202) 243-2400
Fax: 1 (202) 243-2408